Saturday, October 17, 2015

Frankly, I'm Tired Of Being FAT!

Take Control! [Part 1]

The Great Paradox

We are in a state of EMERGENCY...! 
Life is faststressful, and unpredictable. Our health is strained as we rush to keep up... Foodrest, and exercise have become secondary to paying the bills. We demand that our food be fastcheap, and plentiful. According to USA Today, "The fast food industry has doubled in the last five years to $129 billion." Obesity is growing in epidemic proportions; our kids are overweight, and are getting sicker and sicker. What's worse, is that we are letting it happen! 
  • Are you TIRED and STRESSED out?
  • Are you OVERWEIGHT?
  • Do you wake up DREADING to go to work/school?
  • Are you LIVING one life, and DREAMING of another?
  • Do you want to know how you can take CONTROL of your HEALTH?
Well, thank heavens you're here!

Health  The Most Important Asset

Should the following question be raised: "Would you like to feel better, have more energy, and look younger longer?", it is certain that almost everyone would give a response quite similar to these: 

"Frankly, I'm tired of being fat."
"I'm always tired. I'm sick of it!"
"I wanna look younger."
"I wanna live long enough to enjoy my grandchildren."
"I just wish I had more energy."

It is clear that most people want to enjoy good health. Would you agree that good health is our most important asset? Do you know that most people do not pay enough attention to their health?

The Journey to Demise

Let us see what the health of an average person looks like on a graph. On the vertical axis, we have Quality of Life measured from 0 to 100%. On the horizontal axis, we have age measured from 0 to 100 years.

Now, the average person who lives 40 years and beyond will experience at least 3 different zones of life.
  1. Zone 1 is referred to as the Healthy Zone. Haven't we all heard of that bouncing baby boy or girl? The average person spends the first 25 years in the healthy zone. Then, some major changes occur around the age of 25. Responsibilities such as school, exams, work, rent, mortgage, family and relationships, among others, begin, and the attendant stress causes persons to fall from this healthy zone into...
  2. Zone 2. This is the Tired Zone. Most people linger in this tired zone until they get into their 50's. You meet them everyday, and when you ask them, "How are you?", the common response is, "I'm sooo tired!" And, if you do absolutely nothing about the stress that causes the tiredness, before long, you will enter...
  3. Zone 3, the Sick Zone. This is the zone you don't want to get into! This is the time when many of the preventable lifestyle diseases begin to manifest, for example, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, cataracts. Here is definitely when persons get tired of being tired, sick of being sick, and of course, sick and tired of complaining, until they eventually let go.

By observation, you will see that the average person spends the bulk of his/her life being either tired, sick, or even both! The good news is that it does not have to be that way. Let's go over that again: it does not have to be that way, and God did not intend for it to be that way!

Stick around to learn how you can get and keep yourself out of the Tired and Sick zones, and maintain good health, before it is way too late. We are in a state of emergency!

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