About The Blog

Does it ever seem like you have more adversity in your life than other people do? As if everyone around you is having an easier time of things, and enjoying a better state of health than you are? You begin to feel sorry for yourself and think, “Why does this stuff always happen to ME?”

Everyone agrees that maintaining good health is a pleasant thing. It boosts your physical well-being, brightens your soul, calms your mind, and allows you to do much more with your life.

I've been a big subscriber to learning whatever you can do to stay healthy: eating those 10 power-foods that boost your immunity, those 6 cancer-fighting superfoods, or even how to get fit fast. I might not have had a reason to be concerned about my weight, but I definitely knew about that Lemon Juice weight loss technique.

I am an economist and a network marketing professional. I am also a health advisor... in training, at least. And, after learning of the proper way of achieving and maintaining good health, as well as the many mistakes that I've been making with regards to my health, I've been determined to let the whole world know, and to ensure that persons do not suffer from the very same mistakes that I used to make.

When I started out in network marketing, and on my journey to achieve and maintain good health, I just wasn't sure if it would work out for me. But then, I began observing those around me. I saw their conviction; I saw how they looked vibrant, happy, and quite strangely, considerably younger than they should! And I was convinced that there was a quiet revolution in progress.

There was no other time for me to begin taking control of my health. I was just 18, but little did I know of my mini-health crisis. I had just finished my first year of university, as well as a highly competitive [national level] Track & Field season in Jamaica. I had absolutely nothing to brag about, and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I was pretty much 'fit' after training 10 hours a week, and I wasn't one of those persons who sacrificed any of the 6 hours of rest, in order to study or complete assignments, but I was still tired anyway. And when I evaluated my own performance in academics and sports, compared to the effort I had put in, I was just baffled.

What do you think went wrong before I started my journey to good health? Could it be really possible that you are making some very simple, yet critical mistakes, which translates into you missing out on a life filled with energy and vitality?

According to the World Health Organization, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health. On the other hand, a healthy diet helps protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as noncommunicable diseases, including [but not limited to] diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. Should it then come as a surprise for the National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion to reveal that [as of 2012] about half of all adults in the United States had one or more chronic health conditions? Should it come as a shock to know that 7 of the top 10 causes of death 5 years ago [2010] were chronic diseases, with heart disease and cancer accounting for nearly 48% of all deaths? What do you think that figure is now?

There's a Catalan Proverb that goes, "From the bitterness of disease, man learns the sweetness of health. Maybe I wasn't diseased, but I had already learnt the sweetness of good health through the absence of it! And, believe me, it got even sweeter when I got there! Yes, from the age of 18 [I think I sound old, but I'm just 19], I took full control of my health, and I now feel, look, and live the difference!

And I would really like for you to take control as well. All I did was change some very simple habits to my lifestyle. I'm done with fads; I'm done with focusing on superfoods. Now, I'm living a life of impact, and I can help you to do the same!

Well, what are you waiting for? Come on in, and learn how you can feel, look, and live better. All the best!

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